Optimum Diamond Technology comprise Gem Diamond cutting and manufacturing professionals each with over 30 years of ‘hands on’ industry operational experience for Diamond manufacturing merchants in, India, Mauritius, Russia, Canada, China and Africa.
Optimum Diamond Technology sets out to establish a successful ‘state of the art’ process of manufacturing the Gem Diamond from its ‘rough’ state to the fully faceted and finished article to GIA standards. ODT endeavours to represent and pass on the best standards of the GIA at all times. The pictures of the cut Diamonds clearly illustrate the level of unique expertise and attention to detail that our company achieve for all of its clients.
ODT have assisted companies that have consistently underperformed in achieving GIA Triple Excellent standard of manufacture. This has been achieved by working closely with individuals of the existing work force and/or upgrading and making better use of the prevailing technical base.
We offer ‘state of the art’ polishing procedure and have a wealth of industry experience which can be tailored for specific needs, improvement of quality and performance or for new installations.